
Welcome to TRIO/Student Support 服务s Program!

TRIO/Student Support 服务s is a program funded through the U.S. Department of Education and is designed to help eligible students remain in college and graduate. Student Support 服务s at the University of Mary is committed to creating and maintaining a supportive environment for program students and encourages academic excellence and integrity, 学生的成功, 个人责任, 领导, 和服务.


Students who are interested in receiving services must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Accepted for enrollment or currently enrolled at the University of Mary
  • 是美国公民或国民
  • 有一个 need for academic support in a post-secondary program

Students must also must meet at least one of the following criteria to be eligible for services:

  • 第一代大学生 (父母都没有学士学位)
  • 收入资格  (please see attached application for current income eligibility levels)
  • 有一个 证明有身体或学习障碍

The TRIO advisors are like personal trainers that give you the tools you need in order to succeed with both academic and life goals. Without the support and resources provided by TRIO, I would not have been able to finish my degree.



  • 学术/个人建议
  • 指导
  • 一对一的辅导
  • 早期注册
  • 财政援助和奖学金信息
  • 金融知识
  • 新生入学指导
  • 职业建议
  • 转介服务
  • 学习技巧工作坊
  • 文化活动
  • 奖学金、奖学金和助学金
  • 毕业准备
  • 简历写作协助
  • 研究生准备

If you are interested in applying to TRIO and meet eligibility requirements for the program, 请填写一份 TRIO/学生支援服务申请Completed applications may be brought to the Student Success Center, 低层焊工库或通过电子邮件发送. Your application will be reviewed by TRIO staff to determine official eligibility.


There are three types of grants you may qualify for through the Student Support 服务s/TRIO program at the University of Mary:

There are three types of grants you may qualify for through the Student Support 服务s/TRIO program at the University of Mary:

New students accepted into TRIO/SSS are eligible for a book grant after completion of their first successful semester. Returning TRIO students maintaining satisfactory academic progress will receive a book grant in the fall and spring semester. 奖励将在添加/删除日期之后申请.

General Satisfactory Academic Progress standards must be maintained to receive the book grant. Students must have completed the financial literacy requirement.

New students accepted into TRIO/SSS are eligible for a Merit Grant after completion of their first successful semester. Returning TRIO students earning the required GPA, and meeting program requirements will be eligible for a Merit Grant in the fall and spring semester. 奖励将在添加/删除日期之后申请.


  • Students must have been in the TRIO program at least one semester.
  • 学生必须达到3分.0-4.在之前的春季/秋季学期GPA为0
  • Students must have completed a minimum of 67% of the credits they have attempted.
  • Students must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 credits.
  • Students must have met with their TRIO advisor a minimum of three (3) times during the semester.
  • Students must have completed the financial literacy requirement.

The TRIO Director will notify the 金融援助 Office which students qualify for Book and Merit grants. The 金融援助 Office makes the final determination of eligibility and adjustments to a student's financial aid package. Students are personally responsible for verifying with the 金融援助 Office their possible eligibility and impact on their awards/costs. The 金融援助 Office has the authority to amend this policy at any time to comply with changes in institutional policy.

TRIO/Student Support 服务s provides its students the opportunity to apply for additional fall and spring grant aid through our program and federal grant aid money. If additional money is available, there may be the possibility of summer grant aid, as well.

TRIO students who have completed 60 credits or less, have earned a 2.平均绩点0或更高, 他们正在接受联邦佩尔助学金, are eligible to apply for the supplemental grant aid. 奖励金额各不相同. Money awarded will be determined by the number of students applying for the grant and need, 以及允许的奖励金额. 才有资格获得补助金, 除了资格要求之外, you must complete a grant application and a minimum 250 word, 打字及双倍行距, essay telling us why you should be selected for this grant and making a special note of how this grant could ease your risk of possibly dropping out of school. Applications and instructions for the grant will be emailed to current TRIO students the semester prior to the award.

Applications will be reviewed based on the Department of Education's criteria, 上学期的累积绩点, 完成项目要求, 以及你对TRIO项目的参与.

*All awards must be verified with the financial aid office to ensure that you are not over awarded. Please let this serve as notice that although you may be chosen for a top award, the Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金 determines the maximum number of grant dollars you may actually receive.


不知道从哪里开始你的奖学金搜索? Check out our extensive list of scholarships you may qualify for. 这些都很普遍, but there are many scholarships available that may be specific to your area of study. 如果你想完成进一步的研究, please see your TRIO Advisor for help with our resources.







我们是来帮忙的. Come visit us in the lower level of 焊机图书馆 or call the Student Success Center at 701-355-8124.